Signs Plus Inc.

Signs Plus Inc.

5063 North Service Rd., One Plan Business Centre, Suite 349 , Burlington, Ontario, L7L 5H6, Canada     1-888-530-5400     905-639-8754

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Printed Fabric Graphics only for "FabPop" (no frame hardware)

Fabric Graphics (frame sold separately): made using 100% polyester knit (wrinkle-resistant, flame retardent - passes NFPA 701 Small Scale & California Reg#F-50001) fabric, digitally dyed with extended life dyes, sewn hems all around with 2\" loop velcro sewn around perimeter for securing onto frame.



Product Our Price
FBFPop2x2-S Printed Fabric Graphic for "FabPop 2x2" Straight display PLEASE CALL
FBFPop3x3-S Printed Fabric Graphic for "FabPop 3x3" Straight display Cdn $699.00
FBFPop4x3-S Printed Fabric Graphic for "FabPop 4x3" Straight display Cdn $799.00